Introduction to the Connections Course Concept
A ‘Connections Course’ is an innovative opportunity for recreation, environmental enhancement, and most importantly growing life-affirming connections between people of various ages and cultures. The idea has been protected using Intellectual Property laws. User Licenses can be purchased to set up and operate a Connections Course anywhere in the world. The Connections Course Organization is a not-for-profit entity and recognized Canadian charity.
Let’s get started! After receiving information from you regarding the size and topography of the land (deeded or long term leased) the Connections Course Organization will design your course with safe operations at the forefront, You will provide the land, trees, and the manpower to shape the pathways.
You will need to provide a deposit prior to the Connections Course Organization commencing and to hold your space in the delivery schedule – plan a minimum of 3 months ahead. The Connections Course Organization will provide all gaming equipment in sets of 7 games up to 28 games, suitable to the size of land available – with different cost options based on the number of set or greenways. The front entry Kangaroo monument is included as well as the use of the CC logo (top left corner of this page), the tourism sign logo (blue and white), the use of the Heimler Scale of Social Functioning, and a supply the Conversation Cards,
A Connections Course in your community will have a tremendous positive social impact on your citizens as they become more socially engaged and environmentally conscious. Take a walk with us as we plant the seeds and trees for a better future. Please reach out to for more information.