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Introduction to the Connections Course Concept

A ‘Connections Course’ is an innovative opportunity for recreation, environmental enhancement, and most importantly growing life-affirming connections between people of various ages and cultures. The idea has been protected using Intellectual Property laws. User Licenses can be purchased to set up and operate a Connections Course anywhere in the world. The Connections Course Organization is a not-for-profit entity and recognized Canadian charity.

Let’s get started! After receiving information from you regarding the size and topography of the land (deeded or long term leased) the Connections Course Organization will design your course with safe operations at the forefront, You will provide the land, trees, and the manpower to shape the pathways.

You will need to provide a deposit prior to the Connections Course Organization commencing and to hold your space in the delivery schedule – plan a minimum of 3 months ahead. The Connections Course Organization will provide all gaming equipment in sets of 7 games up to 28 games, suitable to the size of land available – with different cost options based on the number of set or greenways. The front entry Kangaroo monument is included as well as the use of the CC logo (top left corner of this page), the tourism sign logo (blue and white), the use of the Heimler Scale of Social Functioning, and a supply the Conversation Cards,

A Connections Course in your community will have a tremendous positive social impact on your citizens as they become more socially engaged and environmentally conscious. Take a walk with us as we plant the seeds and trees for a better future. Please reach out to for more information.

communications course
Connections Course

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No one can disagree that our families are not communicating like they used to.


Combining trees and people in a healthy outdoor play space is a stellar idea to improve air quality, cool the earth’s surface and improve participants’ physical and emotional health. Whether you are starting with a fully treed course, filling in a course, or starting with seedlings; all will be of benefit. The important thing is to just start and join us in protecting our air quality.

A Connections Course would benefit our clients, people with disabilities, by providing an outdoor activity that is affordable and a great opportunity for the staff to learn about our clients and how to support them as they build connections. Having one in our local community would help people to connect and have meaningful interpersonal relationships and bring about the much-needed change that our Society requires. With all the stressors and chaos that people deal with daily the ability to be able to participate in a bonding, positive experience with others is priceless.

Incorporating a Connection Course into your already existing recreation model or community outdoor spaces is a way a business, city, or town can create a valuable, family-friendly Destination concept. It’s new, innovative, and flexible to any outside environment. It will also attract corporate bonding or team building events when they are looking for experiences.

If any business wants to pull in more customer and life-long fans, adding a Connection Course to your outdoor space will have an immediate return-on-investment.

The Connections Course builds on research pertaining to attachment or connection, an essential part of healthy relationships, and the author’s extensive experience and her dedicated, loving lifework with children, families, and communities.

Sadly, we are becoming more and more disconnected with social media replacing human connection and in-person communication, with businesses using automated programs or online services, and with self-serve facilities replacing service provided by a “real and caring person”. No wonder our children, our families, and our communities are struggling.

Furthermore, we are losing our necessary connection to our universe, thus causing the destruction of our land, air, and water. All are meant to work in unison. The Connection Course is unique, simple, and easy to implement. It provides a unique way to begin connecting again with each other and with the beauty and healing energies of our universe. There is hope for a healthier future.

We have been teaching, coaching, or refereeing kid’s sports teams for over 5 decades and are well informed of the potential for injuries that can occur playing many sports. A Connections Course nearly eliminates the possibility for head or other injuries while it provides youth with an opportunity to learn skills, develop a sense of achievement and mastery over various sporting activities. Most importantly, instead of one-directional messages from the stands or sidelines a Connections Course offers youth and adults the opportunity to play side-by-side while engaging in valuable conversations that help with moral development and critical guidance.

A trip to the Connections Course would work as “family night” at school and work for Physical Education classes, pairing kids up K or Gr. 1 with older students… doing orienteering, or frisbee golf etc. Like a mentoring program through… building a relationship, older students are guided and instructed to help the younger students by teaching them about skills, sportsmanship, and cooperation. Students in both age group could benefit immensely. A win-win-win all the way around.

We have been teaching, coaching, or refereeing kid’s sports teams for over 5 decades and are well informed of the potential for injuries that can occur playing many sports. A Connections Course nearly eliminates the possibility for head or other injuries while it provides youth with an opportunity to learn skills, develop a sense of achievement and mastery over various sporting activities. Most importantly, instead of one-directional messages from the stands or sidelines a Connections Course offers youth and adults the opportunity to play side-by-side while engaging in valuable conversations that help with moral development and critical guidance.

A trip to the Connections Course would work as “family night” at school and work for Physical Education classes, pairing kids up K or Gr. 1 with older students… doing orienteering, or frisbee golf etc. Like a mentoring program through… building a relationship, older students are guided and instructed to help the younger students by teaching them about skills, sportsmanship, and cooperation. Students in both age group could benefit immensely. A win-win-win all the way around.

The connections course is an innovative concept that offers families an alternative method for encouraging positive communication in an inexpensive, fun and interactive way.

It is a resource that will encourage direct communication and meaningful connecting – something sorely needed in our busy, frenetic world.

Chloe Cartwright’s creativity and professionalism seem unending. Her presentation of this innovative Connections Course is a breath of fresh air in a world that encourages only passivity, isolation and imitation instead of authenticity.

Learning how to connect with one another is not just a brilliant idea in a textbook, it is essential in our technology-overloaded century, if human beings want to become healthy and be happy. We know that feelings of isolation can result in depression, anxiety, drug, alcohol and food addiction.

If we want our children to cultivate creativity instead of boredom, interactive mental and physical challenges like the Connections Course can leadto increased self-esteem and feelings of realistic self-confidence and competence, as well as new skills development.

This Connections Course can be a most creative adventure for children and adults and encourage them to mix with people of different ages and ethnic backgrounds.

As a seasoned therapist in Human Social Functioning, I highly recommend this connections course for people from eight to eighty.

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